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- Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 09/17/2015
Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 09/17/2015
Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli
This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes: In the 09/17/2015 edition: *|MC:TOC|*
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 15, 2015 09:46 am
I watched a lot of black-and-white and 1960s television shows growing up in the 80s(1), with Twilight Zone and the original Batman and Superman being two of my favorites. Thus, every once in a while something contemporary reminds me of an episode that I saw. A headline from The Atlantic declares Mark Zuckerberg and the End of Language. Ah, what a lovely headline… Well, this article is really about wearing technology that gives us the ability to communicate telepathically.
The episode this article reminded me of was “Seer Gilligan” from Gilligan’s Island (1966). In it, Gilligan eats irradiated seeds and he has the power to read minds. It ends, like all things do on this show, in comedic-gilded chaos. The point, however, was that you don’t really want to know what anybody else is thinking, because nobody can handle that brutal truth. The idea that technology will “remove a social veneer” might be where we’re headed, but I don’t see a benefit to removing the faces we wear when interacting with other people–other than for retailers, but I’ll get to that later. However, I can see how the tech might have some fantastic uses for accessibility. That, truly, would open worlds to facilitate medical advances, and I do hope it goes down that road.
Often, I feel that science fiction teaches us how human nature doesn’t change just because we have shiny new tools to play with. Human nature is human nature, and this is a recurring theme in my work as well. Technology isn’t good or bad; it’s what we do with it that counts. And yet, I don’t necessarily see the point of wearing something that reads my thoughts and shows my desires on a screen or to another person. Having “tailored advertising” based on what my subconscious wants, or having it instantly be adding to my shopping cart… These things may sound great to a retailer, but for my bank account? Eh, I think I’ll pass. For a total stranger? I’ll definitely pass. Both new and existing technology doesn’t necessarily account for uses by people with a public profile, or any other nuanced needs for that matter. If it did, I’m sure there wouldn’t be new technology, but regardless…I’m not terribly excited about connecting to a total stranger in such an intimate fashion, let alone a friend.
Damn. I think my inner introvert is showing.
(1) A product of an ultra-conservative household. My childhood was like being on the set of The Sound of Music while battling Gremlins with a stack of books/songbooks in one hand and colored pencils in the other.
Mood: Truth in the smallest things. Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Balanced with water! I think… Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Ick. A walk. In My Ears: Doctor Whoooooooooooooo? Game Last Played: Kingdom Rush. Mega-battle. Seriously. Got to level 68. Book Last Read: Saints and Shadows by Christopher Golden Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: The Others Latest Artistic Project: Black cat on a white fence with a moon. It’s a cross-stitch thing. Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters Latest Game Release: Dread Names, Red List for Vampire: the Masquerade and Ghosts in the Black for the Firefly RPG. Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update and My Departure from the Conan RPG.
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 14, 2015 10:20 am
Am currently in retail heaven, as the stores are full of Halloween delights. I have successfully restocked our treat bags and give-a-ways to friends, and have made a pledge that any new decorations need to be made. I’m already plotting to try my hand at making fancy chocolates this year, along with other concoctions that I probably shouldn’t. This is also a good time of year to get some fascinating tablecloths, of the cloth-and-vinyl variety, and I now have spider webs, sugar skulls, and obnoxious grinning pumpkins in my possession. Oh, but this is my favorite magical time of year. Fireball cinnamon whiskey and hot apple cider, chipotle-and-cinnamon roasted pumpkin seeds, old-fashioned ghost stories… I’m in heaven.(1) Should you not understand my sheer joy for this time of year, look no further than a piece I wrote last year titled Dear Humans.
This year, half of Halloween has been consumed not by Christmas, but by another retail occasion: the debut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As an adult(2), I remember having that excited feeling when the original movies were re-released in the theatres, and again when Star Wars: A New Hope debuted. Of course, my happiness has never been more abundant than when I got to shoot Gungans in the face as a droid in Battlefront 2… Anyway, I digress. There is nothing more exciting than that first moment when the opening credits roll, and I can’t wait to hear how the kids in my life enjoy this new movie premiere. I haven’t made plans yet to see the film, partially because I am crowd-adverse, which means I’ll likely go to the Sundance theatre that I love dearly. I can deal (and have) with the throng if I have to, but it is infinitely easier to be up on stage or hiding in the back than being swallowed up by massive amounts of people.(3)
On that note: I have much to do this week, but I’m planning on popping back in from time-to-time. Today, I leave you with Captain Whinypants in his new Halloween costume. You can see how excited he is. Clearly.
I’m not sure if I like this one better or not. The loose straps reminded me of a helmet. Or a murderous disguise. See also: my revenge for that 4:00 a.m. wake up call the other day.
That’s all for today. May you survive the prickly caltrops Monday is no doubt throwing at you, and live to see another day.
(1) Halloween often gets the short shrift in terms of holidays, for Christmas cannot come soon enough for many. I feel a strong aversion, however, to Christmas trees in July. Clearly, we need more monthly holidays like they had in medieval times. Which, admittedly, were subsumed into religious activities from their pagan origins, but the roots remain.
(2) Adult. Bah! Brain does not track age as well as the body does. Some days I’m eight years old wandering through a forest, bewildered by the height of the trees. Other days I’m ninety-five thousand years of age, wondering why the hell back pain wasn’t put into the manual.
(3) A visual from What Dreams May Come (1998).
Mood: Truth in the smallest things. Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Balanced with water! I think… Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: A walk. In the park, even! In My Ears: A Beethoven trio with a name so long, Tolkien would be proud. Game Last Played: Sonic: All Stars Racing Transformed Book Last Read: Research for work. Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Fringe Latest Artistic Project: Skull. It’s a cross-stitch thing. Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters Latest Game Release: Dread Names, Red List for Vampire: the Masquerade and Ghosts in the Black for the Firefly RPG. Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update and My Departure from the Conan RPG.
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 11, 2015 09:58 am
Today, I wanted to let you know that I’ve decided to take a step back from the Conan RPG as project manager. The extremely talented Jason Durall will be taking my place, and he’s working with our REH experts and systems team to finish up the corebook. I did contribute some setting-related material to the corebook as a writer, and I’ve been invited back for the supplements. I wish the team well, and am lucky to have worked with such wonderful people.
In the past few weeks, I’ve been overwhelmed with the receipt of over 400 applications for new writers, 95% of which were women, that wish to contribute to the line. I can assure you that there is plenty of work to be done, and there are a lot of supplements planned for this line. Before I depart completely, I will finish sorting through those e-mails and provide a long list of recommendations to the rest of the team. I have also had three requests from other game publishers for the list of applicants and, pending approval from the applicants themselves, I’ll be sharing their names with other companies who also which to expand their creative teams, too. Please know that this [e.g. sorting through the applicants] is a responsibility that I do take very seriously, and no one has been forgotten. Everyone will be sorted via e-mail, and my plan is to finish those efforts by the end of next week.
With all that said, I have a few “Thank you’s!” to mention. First, I want to thank Chris and the rest of the team at Modiphius Entertainment for being so welcoming and supportive. You’ve all been fantastic to work with, and it’s my pleasure to know such talented people. Second, I’d also like to express my gratitude to everyone who applied, and I’m very appreciative of your patience as I sort through your e-mails on top of trying to get projects out the door. Last but not least, thanks to you, Dear Reader, for continuing to be supportive of my work and my efforts.
Should you have any specific questions about the game itself or Chris’s plans going forward, I’d like to direct you back to the company website and its contact page.
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 10, 2015 01:12 pm
It’s been about two weeks since I’ve gone offline, but the wheels keep on turning so I wanted to give you some updates. First, today’s the last day for the Carolina Gaming Tables Kickstarter, and as the hours wind down we’re close to achieving the Dinner and Dice Cookbook–with a yummy crockpot recipe called “Fruits of the Forest” from yours truly. Have a look! The second Kickstarter that’s happening right now is the relaunch of Codex Infernus supplement for Savage Worlds. This supplement will include some of my work, which married my worldbuilding techniques with the rest of the team. If you dig demons, this book will be pretty hellacious. Hah!
I haven’t checked into social media since before Labor Day, and a fresh break has been great for me. This time I wanted a breather for a few reasons, but also because I’ve needed the head space following a busy con season to take stock of my current projects and reassess my goals. One of the decisions I’ve made is to switch offices in my house at the end of the month, to give me a smaller and more focused work space with a bigger window. I’ve decided not to put any art pieces up on my wall unless I make them myself, too. The idea is to create an environment where I’m forced to focus on what I am creating. While I don’t sell my art, for me all the arts I engage in facilitate what I’m doing writing-wise, and I’m refining a few techniques so I can connect those dots. I’m planning on blogging more often, too, if only because it’ll give me the opportunity to show my progress as I get more pieces done.
In the life of the mundane, I’m re-watching Once: Upon a Time prior to Season 5’s debut. Dark Swan! I started pulling my Halloween decorations out, too, and am getting ready to put those up. I finished a little black cat-and-moon cross stitch, but I’m afraid this sort of thing will push me over into domesticity, and that frightens me. Nesting, yes. Suburban… Well, that’s not for me. Not that my house isn’t Halloween year round, mind you. I’m talking about more Halloween-specific pieces. Boo instead of atmospheric. I’m pretty anxious for Summer to die, so I can wear sweaters and scarves and bunny slippers again. And to be perfectly honest, it’s hard to bake muffins when it’s ungodly hot, and I do like my homemade muffins.
Mood: Truth in the smallest things. Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Balanced with water! I think… Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Ick. A walk. In My Ears: Doctor Whoooooooooooooo? Game Last Played: Kingdom Rush. Mega-battle. Seriously. Got to level 68. Book Last Read: A book about chakras. Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Rewatching Once. Latest Artistic Project: Black cat on a white fence with a moon. It’s a cross-stitch thing. Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters Latest Game Release: Dread Names, Red List for Vampire: the Masquerade and Ghosts in the Black for the Firefly RPG. Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update.