Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 10/08/2015

Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli

This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes:   In the 10/08/2015 edition: *|MC:TOC|*

By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 05, 2015 11:36 am

My week ended with: “So, what do you think about getting an iPhone?” For the first time in forever and a day, I have acquired an Apple product that is not music-related, and I feel…strange. When I turned my iPhone 6 on for the first time, it was if millions of droids suddenly cried out before falling silent, and thousands of windows were smashed–and it was my fault. It’s been years since I’ve dealt with anything Apple-related, and I’m slowly but surely being indoctrinated into the cult of Apple. I’m not sure if there’s a theme song (there should be), but I’m also determined to save up for a new compy(1) because of the experience.

It’s not about the marketing, for me. It’s not about being hip or cool–’cause I’m gonna shimmy my way, regardless. It’s more intuitive to my needs, but there are a few things I haven’t quite figured out yet. For example, I’m religious about using the WiFi, and I’m not sure if I have to completely close an app by swiping multiple times to get out of an article or not. When I reopen an app, it opens to right where I left off, so I’m not certain if it’s still running in the background or not. I also haven’t determined how in browser apps, like Pinterest(2), work on the phone. There’s a few apps that do weird things like not clicking through to the next screen, but I think that’s more app-specific than Apple’s fault. Plus, I’d really like to know what’s being stored on the phone versus what’s in the cloud. All of the music in my iTunes account wouldn’t fit on my iPhone, so I have to assume some of it is in the cloud, for example. Not sure!

Haven’t found any games quite yet, but I know I’ll need something. That’s lower on the priority list, though. The photos are definitely better, and the images are a lot more fun to play around with. I like the easy way I can clean up fields and whatnot as well. Plus? Super mega bonus? Automatic snooze feature, which is great. More than this, though, is the fact that apps actually work on the iPhone. I feel that there’s something to be said for where developers are putting the bulk of their efforts. I like the droid, I really do, but app usage is better and having the ability to auto-sync with iTunes makes it a lot easier to use the music I have. And, let’s face it, the covers are a lot better. I wound up getting a wallet-style that is working out pretty well.

With the euphoria of new tech, however, comes the lament of old tech. Namely, a eulogy for a pen dying. I found a new one that writes fantastically well. It’s the EnerGel Tradio .07mm by Pentel. Quick-drying? Yes. Less bleed on characters? Yep. It writes really smooth, which allows me to write fast. The only thing I don’t like about it, is I wish it had a gel cushion around the handle given how much handwriting I’ve been doing lately. I’ve tried many pens in the Pentel family, and for whatever reason this one is better than the usual suspects like their large selection of retractable pens. Aye, well here’s the rub and reason for my angst: it lasted for approximately 30 pages college-ruled pages’ worth of handwriting. I can get refills for it, as I’ve just learned, but am still in that conflicted emotional state that comes from: “I discovered a new pen I like! Annnnnnnnnd I’m going to burn through several of these, aren’t I?” It really is a fabulous pen, though, and the violet color is amazeballs. It just sucks I’m having ink drainage issues. Phooey.(3)

So yes, highs and lows exacerbated by fall organization and projects this weekend. Nope, no drama. Welcome to life in Mundania! Where the water’s fine and the screeching is down to a minimum.

(1) Just in case my compy is listening… Forget what I said. M’kay? I’ll feed you more energon cubes. Promise. (2) Yep, Pinterest. It is great for being inspired to make art, but I’m also checking out other, more productivity-focused apps, like Trello, to sort things out. Need to sync it with my PC, though. (3) Hello Mercury. Why you gotta be spinning all backwards-like?(a)

(a) If this were true, then Mercury is one sick bastard 365 days of the year.(i)

(i) Did I just sub-sub footnote myself? I think I did. Oh, hell.

  • Mood: It’s Monday. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Managed and I hate myself for it. Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Eh, enough. In My Ears: Royals cover by The Vitamin String Quartet Game Last Played: Mah Jongg Solitaire Book Last Read: I really should look the title up. My memory is used up in favor of editing this Book That Won’t DieTM. Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Once Upon a Time Latest Artistic Project: Planning a calligraphy illustration thingy. It’s technical. Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters Latest Game Release: Dread Names, Red List for Vampire: the Masquerade and Ghosts in the Black for the Firefly RPGCurrent State of Projects: Read my latest project update and My Departure from the Conan RPG.

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