Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 11/05/2015

Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli

This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes:   In the 11/05/2015 edition: *|MC:TOC|*

By Monica Valentinelli on Nov 02, 2015 01:27 pm

Every year, NaNoWriMo comes and goes, and for the past several years I haven’t been able to make it work. Part of this is due to the ever-fluctuating changes in my freelancing schedule, part of it is due to the fact that I wasn’t ready to dive into plotting a novel for submission on spec, and the last bit (of course) is any number of excuses.

This year, I’m doing it because I’m ready. I know it might sound anti-climatic or even lame, but I had a lot to work through, personally, to get to this point. Now, it’s finally time. I’m participating this year, with gusto, and have the main story and its twists plotted out. It’s been unpacking, very slowly, in my brain through dreams and other mind pops. I can hear the narrator whispering, and I can see the characters; both of these things usually precedes a deluge of words for me. I’m excited about all my novels, but this story in particular is important because it’s a new step in a longer journey.

I’m off to a slow start, due to work, but as a full-time writer I feel it’s definitely time to get novels done and out the door to my agent. Yesterday, I tracked my word count and I wrote 5K and revised 8K for non-NaNo projects, but I know I can do the 50K this year, because I’ve produced that much word count before in less time. Just not in November.

Special thanks to my research crew (Eryn H.) and new friends (Jacqueline B., Crystal W.) for last minute help. I hope to do them proud.

If you’re so inclined, please feel free to friend me on NaNoWriMo. Let’s do this together!

  • Mood: LET’S DO THIS THANG Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Starbucks DoubleShot Energy Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: I… Wow. Yeah, nothing. In My Ears: Tron soundtrack Game Last Played: Kingdom Rush: Frontiers Book Last Read: Howl’s Moving Castle. Starting on the sequel! Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Once Upon a Time. OH, DARK SWAN! Latest Artistic Project: STILL EDITING. Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters Latest Game Release: Dread Names, Red List for Vampire: the Masquerade and Ghosts in the Black for the Firefly RPGCurrent State of Projects: Read my latest project update and My Departure from the Conan RPG.

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