May News and Animal Pics

Heya, it’s been a while. I’ve been putting off a newsletter because I’m exhausted from trying to signal boost my shizzit when I don’t feel like cheering. I don’t pay attention to the news, but the major headlines are impossible to ignore—along with the highly publicized trials, protests, wars... There’s a lot going on right now, and the very last thing I want to do is shout over all of that.

If you’re interested, I do have some fantastic updates to share in a fancy bulleted list which (I promise) will be followed by pictures I took for my local zoo. Next week’s newsletter will be about WTF I’m doing with my online spaces in the wake of Twitter sale news, etc. in the hopes it’ll be helpful.

  • 2022 Nebula Award Conference & Ceremony - Heya! This year's panel selection is amazeballs, and I do hope you’ll consider joining this virtual conference to learn, listen, and cheer this year's nominees on. You'll find me on two panels about gaming that take place on Saturday.

  • Free RPG Day - I'm pleased to share that "One Night in Bain House" the microRPG that spawned One Night in the Catacombs, will be included in Level One, an anthology of micro-rpgs from 9th Level Games. If you dig the concept, be sure to submit for next year’s antho!

  • I’m on Sale - If you enjoy 5th Edition, several titles I worked on are part of DriveThruRPG’s May D&D Sale. *throws confetti*

  • WisCon - I will be attending WisCon, but I'm primarily going to see people and (debating about this) getting some writing done. It's a limited-seating show this year and if you are coming... Please be mindful I now do elbow bumps instead of fist bumps and will be wearing a mask. I'm absolutely not trying to be rude or standoffish—just prioritizing both of our safety. If you want to touch base, please let me know!

  • GameHoleCon 2022 - I am returning as a special guest this year. Haven't subbed my games yet, but I do have several panels and events already slated. I'm happy to be back, meeting up with friends, and cheering my peers on.

  • Patreon - I am a touch behind on Patreon. I plan on sharing my free RPG day draft along with several zoo pics I took recently for May’s rewards. I'm not sure what June will hold at the moment. Depends on whether I finish my adaptation in a timely manner.

  • New Classes! - I’m going to be teaching some new online workshops. Bookmark Upcoming Online Classes Academy Rambo and check out all the awesome teachers and classes!

  • Seeking Short Fiction Opps - Heya, I am looking for anthology open calls to write and submit short stories for. If you hear of any, can you share them with me? Thank you!


I don't have any other substantive updates to share right now. Partly, NDAs. Partly, because the gaming industry is affected by chaotic levels of turmoil in printing, shipping, and distribution that have yet to be resolved. Tack on a pandemic, wars, etc. and it'll be a while before normality resumes. My guess is that a lot will change, but I’m not in a position to speculate. If you want to dig in yourself, I've got a bunch of links I'll post in the comments.

Okay, phew. Now that’s done, on to much happier news!

I had the pleasure of volunteering at Henry Vilas Zoo and took pictures at their Caturday event. Here's a few I snapped that day. Enjoy!

What have you been up to? Anything cool?