Now Available! Pinching Tarts, Creature Sheets, and Poetry in Print!

Pinching Tarts is a caucus game of tart-stealing nonsense inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) that offers players multiple options to win. You and your friends play Wonderland creatures who infiltrate the Red Queen’s castle to steal Her Majesty’s tarts while protecting what you hold most dear—your heart.

Pinching Tarts is a GM-less game that uses 10 six-sided dice in two colors (five of each). It includes:

  • standard rules, tips, and rule summaries

  • character rules, characters, and character creation

  • rules for Teatime, “Eat Me” cakes, and “Drink Me” potions

  • optional rules to stash and eat tarts

  • sample rooms in the Red Queen’s castle

  • rules for antagonists including the Knave of Hearts, the Cook, and the Red King and Queen

  • a recipe for fruit-a-licious mini-tarts

  • printer-friendly and full-color editions

  • ...and more!

Your mission? Pinch tarts. Drink tea. Escape... With your heads tarts!

If you want to learn more about the game, check out my preview on To download, head to DriveThruRPG for your copy of Pinching Tarts.

Creature Sheets is a pay-what-you-want game aid. The creature sheet is not form-fillable by design for two reasons: some of the fields are subject to change during gameplay, and there’s a rule in the game that gives players the ability to swap character sheets. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you use pencil to fill out the sheets.

Creature Sheets is a digital download that includes:

  • creature sheet instructions

  • guidance for descriptive Wonderland-appropriate traits

  • sample creature sheet for a puppy

  • blank, printer-friendly creature sheets

  • The two-page creature sheets include tracks for hearts as well as optional tracks for tarts stolen, eaten, and foes defeated.

Also Available Now!

into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears is my debut collection of twenty-one poems. The collection’s theme is broken into three books inspired by parts of the shadow: the umbra, penumbra, and antumbra.Last year, I released the digital edition. Now, I’m pleased to report that a print version is now available on as well as a cost-saving bundle that offers you the chance to save money on the print and digital editions.