Oh, right! I should send out a newsletter.

Hi friends,

It’s officially Spring! AND we’re one week into a brand, new month! Figured it was time to send you a new newsletter. First and foremost: I did not forget about you. In March, my monthly challenge was a writing retreat. I always learn more about myself and right my authorial ship when I just concentrate on writing. Now, I've almost completed my Q1 goals (about seventy-five percent) — because I forgot that volunteering, marketing, and teaching do cut into my writing time. So, instead of switching gears to craft every day, I'm extending this retreat into April to finish up.

My new favorite word is "spun", by the way, so with that in mind... I recently spun up:

  • 12,000 words for a Slarecian Vault Scarred Lands adventure to complement the other scenarios (Dagger of Spiragos and Ring of Spiragos) I worked on. You can grab Gauntlet of Spiragos, the first adventure, for free!

  • maps for my scenario. All by my lonesome! I shared a preview with my patrons.

  • a social media "plan" to take some pressure off myself as I continue to hunt for gigs/sell my manuscripts

  • a new way to outline that works for my brain. Re-outlined two of my WIPs and LOVING IT!

  • new Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers classes scheduled for May and June

  • a new game writing gig WOOP WOOP

  • updates on my next installment for Wonder Stories

  • update for my next anthology

  • guest appearance at GameHoleCon in November

  • moar apartment therapy

  • ...and hopefully a vaccine appointment? Soonish?

Yay! SO MUCH YAY. Now that my loved ones are starting to get vaccinated, the days are getting longer, and the weather isn't oh-crap-moar-snow-please-noooooooo I'm feeling so much better. Still dealing with two elder cats and their special diets. That bit isn't fun at all, but they're a lot more active and vocal now that it's Spring. I'm celebrating all this by playing through Dragon Age: Inquisition again. It’s my first time playing as a dude who has a crush on Dorian. But, I'm determined to get all those bottles of wine and runic tiles. Plus: lots and lots of harvesting plants and rocks. Then: beadweaving. I am behind on stitching presents. Need great light for jewelry making.

Ahem. Yes, I know, I'm still on Twitter probably too much. *hangs head in shame* In my defense, I'm feeling a little FOMO from life happening around me, but at the same time I am having a blast writing.

How about you? How is life in your corner of the universe? Are you thinking Spring?