Tarot for Writers Workshop and a Salmagundi

Back by popular demand, I'm offering another Tarot for Writers creative writing workshop through the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. We had a LOT of fun this time, and I took plenty of notes to fine-tune the class slides. If you've got two hours on Sunday, June 6th, join us! Scholarships are available, too!

A Salmagundi of Reminders

On to a smorgasbord of links and reminders! Yay!

  • Last Chance! Register for the Nebulas: There's still time to register for the virtual 2021 Nebula Conference on June 4th-6th! You do not need to be a SFWA member to attend. This weekend we're honoring the indomitable SFWA Grandmaster Nalo Hopkinson!

  • New Anthology Release: I'm pleased to announce that the mythos anthology, SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries, is now available wherever books are sold, including DriveThruFiction.

  • GameHole Con 2021: Registration is now open, and you can submit events. A hybrid convention is planned.

  • Upcoming Slarecian Vault release: I have finished the text for a Scarred Lands 5th Edition adventure, and have begun layout. This should release in June.

  • SIRENS Kickstarter: The SIRENS: Battle of the Bards Kickstarter has ended, but if you missed it you can back it using BackerKit. If you enjoy a city of artisans and the spirit of revolution, you’ll love this campaign setting.

  • Watch Twitch: If you're a fan of Twitch and SIRENS, check out actual play episodes and other goodies with Satine Phoenix on Twitch. I’m going to be joining Satine on her channel at some point.

  • Pre-orders Available: An upcoming Yellow King RPG supplement I wrote for, the Legions of Carcosa, is now available for pre-order on the Pelgrane Press site.

  • Patreon Reminder: I refreshed the tiers and am finishing up a magical essay, as promised, for subscribers this month. Check out BooksOfM on Patreon and join us.

How are things going with you?